
அர்த்தமுள்ள ஹிந்து மதம்

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Visitors to Hindu temple are welcomed by Lord Ganesh also called as Vinayaka, and in Tamil “Pillaiyar”, he is one of the best-known and most widely worshipped deities of Hinduism. Pillaiyar is widely revered as the "Remover of Obstacles" and "Lord of Beginnings" patron of arts and "sciences" , and the Angel of intellect and wisdom.

One of the most common sight in Hindu temples is worshippers performing an unusual squatting act in front of Lord Ganesh. Crossing their hands holding their ear lobes and they do a squatting routine. This is called "தோப்புக்கரணம்" [thoppuk kaRanam] in Tamil.

Hindus have been performing this act for centuries; today it has been proved that this squatting act is medically beneficial to the Brain. Holding the earlobes and squatting for five minutes create a lot of stimulation in the brain.
This is now called or given a fancy name “Super Brain Yoga” by doctors in the west. As per the CBS clip above, there seems to be enough medical proof that this exercise [தோப்புக்கரணம்] helps to improve brain activity in Children especially. The doctor in the clip has prescribed this method for Kids who have been slow in their academics and these kids have made very progress in academics just in weeks after doing this act for 5 minutes a day. Totally amazing

It matter of time, Nintendo WII would soon introduce a “தோப்புக்கரணம்” controller.