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My Web site is back online. Thanks to everyone who emailed me enquiring about the web site. Finally after a month, I had the time to recover data from the backups. Few Audio files are yet to be uploaded, it takes time due to the restricted up stream bandwidth; this should be completed by this weekend.

Vikes lost to Eagles, Eagles were favored by lady luck at various moments of the game. However a win is a win. Vikes played very badly. Steelers managed to win whew! a close call. This time lady luck helped Pittsburgh to win, an over time field goal saved them. Tell me this, How can NY Jets miss two easy field goals? Is this what we call as Destiny?.

New England put a giant size lid on Manning and he was shut down. Thanks to their defense and the snowy conditions. I felt Tom Brady did not do much. A good defense would take him down for nothing. NE won because of their powerful defense.
Steelers Face NE next week, A very good game to watch; However the best team I saw in action was Atlanta Falcons. I feel this was the only team that won the game with offense during the weekend. "Mich Vick was too quick" for the Rams!. I think I will put my money on the Falcons.